Different Types of Molding and Trim

Is your home starting to show its age? Is outdated decor making it more difficult to relax in your home or take pride in showing it off? It may be time to think about trim installation in San Marcos, CA. “Trim” is an umbrella term that refers to all types of millwork and molding. Trim is a room accent that serves a variety of purposes. When you pair millwork, architectural trim or molding with a fresh coat of paint, you can drastically transform even the dullest room in your home, even as you create a more practical space.

If you’re not acquainted with the various types of trim, here’s a quick rundown.


It’s the type of molding everyone in San Marcos, CA has heard of. Crown molding is a type of trim that runs along the upper portion of your wall (hence the term “crown”). It is used as a decorative trim that adds immense value to any home. Of course, the term “crown molding” is a catch-all:

  • Cove molding is a concave fixture that ventures out from the ceiling.
  • Dentil molding incorporates a series of orderly squares into the pattern of the architecture.
  • Egg-and-dart molding is a complicated flourish that uses egg-like shapes to create a wavy pattern across the top portion of your room.

Crown molding is one of the single most valuable aesthetic additions you can make to your home.

Chair rail

Though initially developed as a means to protect walls from the scratches and nicks that come from furniture, a chair rail can also serve as a striking border between two bold color choices.


Casing serves both a decorative and practical purpose. An often-overlooked type of trim installation in San Marcos, CA, casing is designed to bridge the space between your door and the door frame. This helps regulate the flow of heat (and sound), which creates a more private and comfortable space.


Baseboards come in a vast array of styles that run along—you guessed it!—the base of a room in your house. Not only can these serve as a beautiful accent color in an area of the room that’s often neglected, but baseboards also conceal the divide between your walls and your floor.


Similar to casing molding, batten molding is designed to conceal the distinctions between two dissonant architectural flourishes. For example, if a wood panel bridges the gap between two windows, a bit of batten molding can add visual appeal as it hides the transition between the two materials.

Take your home to the next level

At Bespoke Remodelling, we have all the experience and tools required to handle your trim installation in San Marcos, CA. Of course, that’s just the beginning of the services we offer our clients.

We have nearly 20 years of experience providing home renovation that’s a cut above the competition. Let our opulent home designers craft the perfect space that fits your personal tastes. Our focus on sophistication and detail sets us apart from others in the industry. Visit us online or give us a call to find out how Bespoke Remodelling can turn your house into a home you love.

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